One Year Later (Sandy)

It’s been One Year after Hurricane Sandy, a year of rebuilding.

When all the posessions in your life are gone with the wind and weather, leaving only the clothes on your back, it changes you.  Sink or Swim. We had to swim out of this devastation as community. No one person or organization was going to save the day, we had to all pull together.  It’s been a long and tough road, and it’s not over yet.  Its going to take time to get back to where we once were, but the hope of normalcy shines down like sun-rays after a storm.  It was and still is truly amazing to see so many people going out of their way to help others in need.  Complete strangers helping each other. Humans helping humans.  We are proud to call New York home.

We are in it with you.


Some links to the NYSEA Beach Relief efforts;

Matt Clark photos of the Before/After/During/Now