Tropical Impressions by A2z films (Video / Q&A)

NYSEA caught up with Brian Adamkiewicz from A2z films on his last project “Tropical Impressions ” featuring Leif Engstrom and Balaram Stack. After you watch this clip be sure to read the Q and A with Brian below.

Lets start from the beginning. We have seen a lot from you this past year and it seems like you are just getting better and better.

NYSEA – I know this is kind of a weird question to ask you but , who is Brian Adamkiewicz?

Brian – I am a 22 year old college student from Long Beach, NY with a passion for filmmaking.

NYSEA – When you first started, surfing was not on your radar. How was the transfer from shooting skateboarding to surfing?

B – The transformation was like learning a new language. When I first tried it out I missed every single one of Tj and Will’s waves. I had to learn their styles and never take my eyes off the water. Luckily the boys can just joke about it now.

NYSEA – Where has filmmaking taken you in your life thus far ?

B – I’ve been to Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and from Maine all the way down the east coast to Florida. Shooting surfing has brought me to most of these places.

NYSEA -What has been your best moment with NYSEA ?

B – Damn…. there has been a lot of them. Besides meeting some people that I will be friends with forever, it has to be watching Bripo, Zack D, Bal and Willy get spit out of barrels at Pipe and Off the Wall.

NYSEA – This project was on your own dime and kind of a last minute trip. What was that all about?

B – I just finished shooting my thesis film and wanted to reward myself with a little 12 day mission to Puerto Rico.

It all happened so fast. Tj Gumiela told me I could crash at his house in Puerto Rico, I bought my ticket , and the day before my flight he said to cancel he was coming back home because he broke his hand. So I called Leif to see if he was still there and ended up  getting my own apartment. Shout out the Engstrom family !

NYSEA – Looks like Bal and Leif were really pushing each other, how was that dynamic ?

B – Believe or not Bal was only there for two days while I was shooting, but now that I think about it all the best clips went down when they were both in the water together. I’m stoked these guys really pushed their skills when I was shooting, some of the best airs I have ever seen.

NYSEA – Whats next ? 2015?

B – I graduate college next year. Then I am a freelance film maker working for a couple brands I have been in contact with. I am mainly looking for jobs that I have to use my passport for.

NYSEA – Well best of luck, we always got your back !


Follow or contact Brian Adamkiewicz and A2Z films

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Contact – [email protected]